Saturday, May 4

Day: February 2, 2023

Here’s How To Calculate How Much Water You Should Drink Daily

Here’s How To Calculate How Much Water You Should Drink Daily

[ad_1]  There are coffee lovers, tea drinkers, kombucha enthusiasts, and fruit juice fanatics. Whether or not you can relate to one or more of those there is definitely one drink that every human cannot go long without, water. That shouldn’t come as a surprise, but what might come as a bit of a shocker is that up to 75% of the American population falls short of the 10 daily cups prescribed by the Institute of Medicine- which in medical terms, means that most people in the U.S. are functioning in a state of chronic dehydration. Common signs of dehydration include headaches, dry skin, tiredness, extreme thirst, decreased urine output, constipation, dizziness, no tears when crying, low blood pressure, rapid heart rate, and rapid breathing. These are just some of the ways your body can be tr...

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