Wednesday, May 8

Author: admin

10 Reasons why Japanese Women Age Slowly

10 Reasons why Japanese Women Age Slowly

[ad_1]  Japan is one of the most beautiful countries in the world. The green mountains, vibrant culture, blue sea, delicious local cuisine, and friendly people make Japan one of the best places to visit. If you’ve taken a trip to Japan or met many Japanese people, one thing that is easily noticeable is how slim and young they look, especially the women. You can easily mistake a 50-year old Japanese woman for a 30-year-old. Japan is also home to the highest proportion of people who’ve lived for more than 100 years in the world. All these may have you wondering; how exactly do they do it? Well, the following are some of the reasons why Japanese women stay slim and age less quickly: 1. Drinking Green Tea Japanese women love their green tea. If you walk into any Japanese home, the first t...
How to Get Rid of a Female Mustache or Upper Lip Shadow – 5 methods

How to Get Rid of a Female Mustache or Upper Lip Shadow – 5 methods

[ad_1]  Are you experiencing upper lip discoloration on your mustache skin? Many women have a dark shadow on their upper lip, otherwise known as a mustache shadow. This skin blemish may appear temporarily or as a constant feature. Sun, hormonal changes or pregnancy can all cause the appearance of a mustache shadow above a woman’s lip. Luckily there are different methods to help get rid of this female mustache blemish. Here we'll be discussing how to get rid of a female mustache and/or how to lighten upper lip shadow. Therefore, if you have an upper lip shadow which you want to get rid of, this article is for you! Keep reading and discover how to lighten your upper lip with these effective tips. Dark skin on upper lip: looks like mustache So, what causes this upper lip shadow? Melasma ...
5 Important Health Tests You Can Do At Home

5 Important Health Tests You Can Do At Home

[ad_1]  Some people avoid preventive medical exams either because they don’t have the time or because they are afraid of doctors. However, you can do a couple of health tests on your own. These methods will help you discover whether it’s time to see an expert or you are completely well. 1. Brain You will need a piece of paper, a pen or a marker, and some help from a friend. Draw a clock and tell your friend to tell you the time in hours and minutes. Then draw the clock handles on the correct time. This test includes a lot of processes in the brain. Parts responsible for the movement of the hands and the visual perception are working at higher levels, therefore the inability to draw the clock and its handles might be a sign of dementia. 2. Spine You will need to scales. Stand with th...
How to Lose Weight Based on Your Body Type

How to Lose Weight Based on Your Body Type

[ad_1]  Our bodies can be placed under 3 basic categories (and further sub-categories) based on the size and shape of it. Knowing ones’ body composition is also a great way to understand lean body mass and body fat. And if your body lies within the range of healthy body-composition, then you’re sorted. A good body composition is directly related to what you demand from your body—say, if you’re an athlete, then on the percentage scale of body-fat, you’d want to be on the lower side. Though of course your somatotype has to be considered, and it’s not always that being on the lower end is an ideal situation. Women’s bodies contain more fat than men’s for biological reasons like developing reproductive tissues and better ingestion of vitamins, etc. Thus the range for optimal body-fat, in c...
DIY Best Cellulite Scrub That Work Fast In 2 Days! With most Powerful Effective Ingredients

DIY Best Cellulite Scrub That Work Fast In 2 Days! With most Powerful Effective Ingredients

[ad_1]  If your cellulite is making you uncomfortable and preventing you from showing off your legs this summer, check out our DIY cellulite scrub! Although most people have cellulite (and it’s completely normal), it still makes us feel uncomfortable. There are a lot of expensive cellulite creams on the market, but the truth is that they don’t really work and are all just loaded with unnecessary and sometimes harmful ingredients. DIY Cellulite Scrub Recipe This DIY cellulite scrub is SO easy to make and only requires a few ingredients. Use it 2-3 times a week for best results and massage for at least 3-5 minutes. The more consistent you are with using this scrub, the faster it will get rid of your cellulite by breaking down the fat cells and smoothing the skin. Ingredients: 1 cup ...
4 Simple Methods to Remove Phlegm Naturally!

4 Simple Methods to Remove Phlegm Naturally!

[ad_1]  Phlegm is the body’s natural way of combating a respiratory infection. It’s the mucus the lungs produce to help expel irritants, which come from an infection. It typically accompanies the flu and common cold. In other words, when you’re suffering from an infection such as the flu, common cold or bronchitis, your body produces more phlegm to capture the inflammatory cells, virus, or bacteria that are triggering the damage. The most common phlegm build up symptoms include weakness, feeling slightly feverish, constant need to clear your throat, persistent coughing, a runny nose, and difficulty breathing. You should be able to cough phlegm out. But, some phlegm build up may seem persistent.Therefore, you should remove the phlegm from your body before it builds up too much 4 Simpl...
Every Man Is Dying To Hear These 13 Things From His Woman

Every Man Is Dying To Hear These 13 Things From His Woman

[ad_1]  Men are believed to be less emotional than women. It’s said that they can do without an external display of affection. Well, we are taught not to be expressive. But if you recognize these little things in us, it will mean the world to us: 1. Being handsome We love to compliment our partners and tell them how beautiful they are. But sometimes, just the word ‘handsome’ sent our way would make us feel amazing. It just gives us the confidence we need. When we put in the effort to look good, this simple word can make all of it worth it. 2. Making someone proud We strive towards ambitions and goals. We can work like a mule to get what we want. But all of it is extremely tiring. We don’t complain – that’s how we are. But a reassurance from our loving partner that we make them proud...
What Happens When You Drink Water On An Empty Stomach?

What Happens When You Drink Water On An Empty Stomach?

[ad_1]  It is not said without any reason that there is no life without water. Therefore, it is very important that you drink a lot of water during the day so that your body can function normally. However, what happens with your organism when in the morning, that is, immediately after you wake up, you drink a glass of water on an empty stomach? It helps to remove toxins from the body When we drink water it has a natural influence on digestion. During the night our body rests and tries to remove all the toxins. When you drink water in the morning on an empty stomach you will remove all the toxins from your body. In addition, you’ll feel fresher and be healthier. It improves the metabolism Drinking water on an empty stomach can increase the speed of the metabolism up to 24%. An increas...
Fibromyalgia Mystery Finally Solved!

Fibromyalgia Mystery Finally Solved!

[ad_1]  Researchers have found the main source of pain in Fibromyalgia patients, and contrary to what many believe, it does not stem from the brain. The findings mark the end of a decades-old mystery about the disease, which many doctors believed was conjured in patients’ imaginations. The mystery of Fibromyalgia has left millions of sufferers searching for hope in pain medications. Up until recently, many physicians thought that the disease was “imaginary” or psychological, but scientists have now revealed that the main source of pain stems from a most unlikely place- excess blood vessels in the hand. The discovery may lead to new treatments and perhaps even a total cure in the future, bringing relief to as many as 5 million Americans thought to have the disease. To solve the Fibromyalg...
The DASH diet can help with high-blood pressure

The DASH diet can help with high-blood pressure

[ad_1]  What is DASH? The Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet was developed by the US National Institutes of Health, as a life-long approach to heart-healthy eating. DASH recommends eating plenty of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, fat-free or low-fat dairy products, fish, poultry, beans, nuts, and vegetable oils; limiting foods high in saturated fat (such as processed meat, full-fat dairy products, and tropical oils such as coconut and palm oils); and limiting sugar-sweetened beverages and sweets. DASH also recommends a maximum daily sodium intake of 2300 mg. Health benefits of the DASH diet Research has shown that DASH offers an effective nutritional approach towards prevention and treatment of high-blood pressure (hypertension), which is a major risk factor for he...

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