Thursday, April 25

8 signs that the body is not getting enough water

Water provides many health and beauty benefits to humans, but many people do not get enough water to maintain moisture and prevent dehydration, especially in hot weather.

And since dehydration isn’t just about thirst, there are plenty of other symptoms to watch out for, including:

1- constipation

The digestive system needs a lot of water to function properly because water helps food move through the digestive system more easily and keeps the intestines healthy.

If you feel constipated, it could be a sign that there is not enough fluid in your body.

2- Low blood pressure

More than half of our blood is made up of plasma, which itself is made up of water, protein, and salt. So we should drink enough water to prevent blood pooling, slow blood flow to vital organs, and cause dehydration.

3- Muscle spasm

An unpleasant side effect of dehydration is muscle cramps due to an increase in blood concentration. When this happens, the body must prioritize and focus on getting blood to the heart first, so that the muscles receive insufficient blood flow, causing contractions.

4- Headache

Dehydration is arguably one of the common migraine triggers.

And when the brain doesn’t get enough fluid to function properly, a host of symptoms such as headaches, loss of consciousness and dizziness can result.

5- Feeling very tired

Dehydration may explain why energy is low during the day.

When you don’t drink enough water, your blood pressure should drop, slowing blood flow to your brain and increasing your heart rate, making you tired.

6- Less need to urinate

The body’s kidney system needs a lot of water to function well, especially since water is needed to help the kidneys eliminate waste products from the blood and turn them into the urine.

7- Dry skin

The skin needs a healthy blood supply to function well, so it is advised to drink plenty of water to keep it healthy.

8- dry mouth

It is a sign of low water intake and dehydration of the body in general, where the mouth becomes unable to secrete enough saliva, in the absence of sufficient fluids.

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